Sunday, October 5, 2014

Chamomile Ingrown hair remover

Having a ingrown hair is painful. Trying to remove one is hard and painful. So this is a method that I have tried and it works. And FAST.

This should only take 30 minutes of wait time. So kick you feet and watch a short show on Netflixs. It only takes a few moments to whip this up if you have all the ingredients.


1 tsp raw honey

1/3 cup good quality Bentonite Clay

5 drops vitamin E oil

Essential oils of Chamomile, tea tree and lavender for a total of ~10 drops.

1. mix all dry ingredients in  a little bowl.
2 Add all the wet ingredients and then add water until it becomes a past.
3 Apply the past to the affected area or areas and let dry. Leave on for 30 minutes, the rise and moisturize. I use cocnut oil.

There should be dramatic improvement in 30 minutes and more by the next day.

Most ingrown hairs are due to shaving too close.

1 Do not apple pressure while shaving. Do not stretch the skin before you shave.
2.Keep moisturized
3. Try not to scrap, squeeze or pick a the site of the ingrown hair. This could damage the skin, increase healing time and even cause an infection.

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