Lavender is a wildly popular herb
not only for it lovely scent, but for it therapeutic effects. Lavender
is derived from either the Latin
lavare, meaning to wash or livendula meaning livid or bluish. In ancient Greece,
Persia and, Rome, it was used as a perfume in baths and
laundry and as antiseptic. In Medieval and Renaissance Europe, the washing
women were known as "lavenders" and they used lavender to scent
drawers and dried the laundry on lavender bushes (History of lavender, 2013).Ancient Egyptians
created mummification casts by soaking linen in oil of lavender containing
asphalt, then wrapping the bodies with these and drying them in the sun until
the casts were hard (Basch, 2013). It has been used in cosmetically and
medicinally throughout most of know history. The most common species of
lavender is English lavender ( L.
angustifolia). Lavender had many uses in historical medicine :
Acne, angioprotectant, anticonvulsant, antifungal, anti-inflammatory,
antimicrobial , antioxidant , antipyretic, antiseptic, aphrodisiac, appetite
stimulant, asthma, bronchitis, burn treatment, carpal tunnel syndrome,
cholagogue, cicatrizant, circulation problems (balneotherapy), cleanser
(douche), colic, common cold, diabetes , diuretic, dizziness, emmenagogue,
exercise recovery, fatigue , fever, gas, hangovers, heart disease prevention
(decrease in heart rate), heartburn, HIV, hypotension, indigestion, infections
, infertility, inflammation , insect repellent, lice, menopause, menstrual
period problems , migraine, motion sickness, mood , nausea, neuroprotection,
parasitic infection, psychosis, Roehmheld's syndrome, sedation, snake
repellant, sores, sprains, tension headache, toothache, varicose veins,
vomiting, warts (plantar), wound healing( Basch, 2013).
In Folk methods its
therapeutic use of essential oil of English lavender for pain, infection,
relaxation, and sedation dates back centuries (Basch, 2013). Lavender is rich
in volatile oils and has been used as a fragrance and medicinal herb. Linen
bags containing lavender flowers were commonly placed under pillows for their
alleged soporific properties (Basch, 2013).
In current times,
lavender is used as an anxiolytic and sleep aid. Its oil is still used in
therapeutic methods for pain infection, relaxation and sedation. Lavender oil
is also used as aromatherapeutic anxiolytic and hypnotic, including in the
hospital setting (Basch). In modern
times, lavender is cultivated around the world and the fragrant oils of its
flowers are used in : aromatherapy, baked goods, candles, cosmetics,
detergents, jellies, massage oils, perfumes, powders, shampoos, soaps, and teas
(Basch, 2013). In Phase I human trials constituent perillyl alcohol
(POH) found in lavender, for cancer have suggested safety and tolerability (up
to 1,200mg/m2 four times daily) ( Basch, 2013) although,
efficacy has not been demonstrated (Basch, 2013). The weight of the evidence
suggests a small positive effect, although additional data from well-designed
studies are required before the evidence can be considered strong in the
support for cancer and in how lavender working in relaxation (Basch, 2013).
How to use lavender
in modern healing. This week we will touch lightly on all the wonderful things
that lavender can do.
It can be used in a wonderful tea, which we will make later the week.
In a tincture to help promote relaxation and sleep
Adding the dried herb to homemade pillows or sleep masks to help promote
relaxing sleep.
It can be made into a mist with water or into lavender water. To make
lavender water follow the steps we used to make rose water and substitute
lavender for rose. This mist can be lavender water or water with some lavender
essential oil added to it. Use spray on burns to offer relief. A strong
lavender tea can be cooled and used as a scalp rinse to help prevent dandruff
For a nice soak, add a few drops of lavender essential oil or a cup of
strong brewed lavender tea and a cup of epsom salts to a bath helps relax sore
Dried lavender flowers sewn into small satchels can be sued to keep
clothes smelling fresh or in place of dryer sheets in the dryer
Lavender essential oil can be used topically to help with acne or skin
irritations it is also wonderful for headaches, when rubbed at the temples.
Do not use lavender essential oil internally. Please consulate with your
doctor in all case about your health.
Have a berry orange day,
Sú talún
Basch, E., Conquer, J., Costa, D., & Foppa, ,. (2013). Natural
Standard - Database Home. Natural
Standard - Database Home.
Retrieved November 12, 2013, from
The History of Lavender. (2013). The History of Lavender.
Retrieved November 12, 2013, from