Monday, September 22, 2014

About Roses

Roses have been used in medicine your centuries. They have been used in many types of folk/ traditional medicines around the world. The rose has been used in Avdurydric Medicine, traditional Chinese Medicine, Greek and Roman and Egyptian medicinal practices. With current technological when have been able to refine the use of the rose, not only in medicinal practices but for beauty. Yet, some of the best uses are the oldest. While there are many varieties of roses grown only a few should be used in herbal preparation, as many of the more modern species of rose have been breed for appearance  and not scent. The scent it indicative of the oil that the rose produces. Some of the best roses to use in food or in medicine are:

Family Rosaceae
Rosa species
R. canina (Wild Rose, Dog Rose, Rose Hip, Brier Hip, Hip, Brier Rose, Eglantine Gall, Hogseed, Dog-berry, Sweet Brier, Witches’ Brier, Hep Tree, Hip Fruit, Hop Fruit, Hipberries)
R. arkansana (Prairie Wild Rose, Sunshine Rose, Arkansas Rose, Meadow Rose, Pasture Rose)
R. laevigata (Cherokee Rose)
R. gallica var. centifolia (Apothacary’s Rose, French Rose, Cabbage Rose, Hundred-leafed Rose)
R. damascena (Damask Rose)
R. rugosa (Rugosa Rose, Saltspray Rose, Beach Tornado)
R. multiflora (Japanese Rose)

The rose is one of the has been distilled to make rose water and rose oil. Rosewater can be used as a facial wash or incorporated in to lotion and creams. Later on in the week, I will be posting about how to make rosewater.  The scent of the rose is said to lift depressive moods, and create feeling of well being and mild euphoria.

All parts of the rose can be used in may different ways. The petals along can be placed on the skin as a mask or on wounds to help cleanse and stop bleeding. Rose water can be used as a mild cleasener and facial toner. The petal and rose hip can be used in tea. The rose hips are know to pack quite a bit of vitamin C.

 Beware of synthetic rose ingredients if you are buying your rose water or rose oil.

The rose also offers soothing property to the nervous symmetry, clam the mild. It is a mild sedative and anti-depressant. It would combines well with lavender in teas. It has been used in treatment for conditions of stress: nervous tension, peptic ulcers, and heart disease. Rose water can also be used a compress to treat eye infections and wounds.

The rose hips are a wonderful source of  vitamins A, B3, C, D and E. They also contain bioflavonoids, citric acid, flavonoids, fructose, malic acid, tannins and zinc. When taken in the form of tea the hips are good for infections, particularly bladder infections.

Have a berry orange day,

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Please consulate your doctor before taking any herb or using any recipes or remedies. A berry orange day is not responsible for how this information is used.


1 comment:

  1. Well after reading this blog got to know that there is a Orange day as well in Flowers day. would definetly work on this.
    I appreciate for helping me in my knowlegde:)
